Improve Cyber Behaviors and Culture, Day by Day

Keep Your Workforce Informed

Republic's news feed is tailored for each individual to make the highest impact on security culture. 

Track Individual Progression

Play your way through our challenge map, learning important concepts along the way.

Win In-Game Currency

Republic makes heavy use of gamification psychology, incentivising users to progress through learning content without negative consequences.

Report Suspicious Events

Empower your workforce to report suspicious activity with a direct line to our support team. 

Republic is an endpoint agent-based software for measuring and influencing the cybersecurity knowledge, sentiments, and actions of your organization's employees, as well as improving the cyber culture of the organization itself.*
Tailored Interventions

Republic delivers behavior interventions including short training videos, games, and other media tailored to the exact needs of the individual user.

Gamified Training

Users have the opportunity to play a variety of cyber security related games and earn in-game currency based on their level of participation.

Grounded in Behavioral Science

Each interaction in Republic is tied back to Recyber's behavioral taxonomy, a comprehensive framework for identifying and categorizing risky behaviour.

*Available September 2023

Keep Your Workforce Informed

Republic's news feed is tailored for each individual to make the highest impact on security culture. 

Track Individual Progression

Play your way through our challenge map, learning important concepts along the way.

Win In-Game Currency

Republic makes heavy use of gamification psychology, incentivizing users to progress through learning content without negative consequences.

Report Suspicious Events

Empower your workforce to report suspicious activity with a direct line to our support team.